As Christians who write, we meet together to promote unity and fellowship, to encourage one another and to develop our skills as writers. We are a chapter of American Christian Writers, a national organization.

We meet at Grove Avenue Baptist Church, 1 block south of Patterson Avenue at 8701 Ridge Road, Richmond, VA 23229 in Room 211.

We typically meet on the third Sunday of each month from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Join us!

Click HERE for directions.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sustain a Freelance Writing Career


Contact: Sylvia Wright
(804) 672-6007

Joan Tupponce, award-winning author, is speaker for the National League of American Pen Women's Richmond Branch March Meeting.

Richmond, VA ¦ February 24, 2006 ¦ Join Richmond NLAPW on March 17th to hear Joan Tupponce share strategies on how to "Sustain a Freelance Writing Career."

Joan Tupponce, a national award-winning writer, has freelanced since 1988. Having received numerous awards for her writing, she has been published in various newspapers and magazines, including Seventeen, Teen Beat, and the New York Daily News. In the Metropolitan area, she is well-know for her Times Dispatch career column and feature writing for Virginia Living, Richmond the City Magazine and the Greater Richmond Area's Work magazine.

The Richmond Branch of the NLAPW was initiated as an organization designed to foster the creative force of women in the humanities arts (professional artists, composers, lecturers and writers.) Presently, the group provides monthly luncheon meetings on the 3rd Friday of the months September - April, art events, a critique writer's group, writer's contests, a writer's conference, book clubs and scholarship awards. The March meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. and is held at the Westwood Club.

The Richmond Branch kicked off its 2005-6 year on September 16th. Those interested in attending events must RSVP with Mary Jane Tolley at 804-272-1976 or obtaining NLAPW membership information contact Sylvia Wright at (804) 672-6007 or syhwright@msn.com. All events are open to the public.

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