As Christians who write, we meet together to promote unity and fellowship, to encourage one another and to develop our skills as writers. We are a chapter of American Christian Writers, a national organization.

We meet at Grove Avenue Baptist Church, 1 block south of Patterson Avenue at 8701 Ridge Road, Richmond, VA 23229 in Room 211.

We typically meet on the third Sunday of each month from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Join us!

Click HERE for directions.


Tuesday, October 06, 2009

RCWW Christian Writer’s Conference - Saturday, October 17, 2009

RCWW Christian Writer’s Conference -

Saturday, October 17th

with Karen Whiting

Karen is a freelance author of ten books for women, families, and children, with three more contracted. Her writing experience includes more than 400 magazine articles, over 100 puppet scripts, and writing columns for magazines and newspapers. She wrote for Focus on the Family’s Parenting magazines until they ceased publication in 2009 and wrote for Charisma’s Children’s church programs for two years, until the sale of the division. She writes a time management column for Enrichment Magazine and is a writer with Suite101. Karen loves helping aspiring writers get published and led a productive critique group in Miami for ten years.


9:15-9:30am Registration

9:30-10:00am Welcome/ Prayer/ Introduction

Is Your Idea Write: Elements needed to make articles,
books, devotions, and even poems saleable

10:50-11:00am Break

Queries/Proposals/Pitches that sell:
Elements of each, presentation, standing out in the slush pile

11:50-1:00pm Lunch

Avoiding the Writers Cemetery: Avoiding pitfalls that keep you
from getting published, Setting goals that work

1:50-2:00pm Break

Basics of Good Writing: Active versus passive voice,
Effective focus or thesis statements, and Self-Editing

Questions, Book selling/signing,
Door Prizes and Good-byes

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