As Christians who write, we meet together to promote unity and fellowship, to encourage one another and to develop our skills as writers. We are a chapter of American Christian Writers, a national organization.

We meet at Grove Avenue Baptist Church, 1 block south of Patterson Avenue at 8701 Ridge Road, Richmond, VA 23229 in Room 211.

We typically meet on the third Sunday of each month from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Join us!

Click HERE for directions.


Monday, September 10, 2007

2007 Will Rogers Writing Contest

Entries are being received for the 2007 Will Rogers Writing Contest.

Sponsored by the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, the contest is open to writers everywhere who are interested in the writings of Will Rogers.

Authors of entries that best reflect the Rogers style of writing will be awarded cash prizes. The first place winner will receive an award of $200. The prize for second place is $100 and third place $50.

An entry consists of an essay of 500 to 750 words (maximum) written in the style of Will Rogers. Detailed rules and information may be found at the NSNC Web site www.columnists.com or at www.willrogersok.org (click on What's New? and scroll down to the September 2007 newsletter).

The deadline for receipt of entries is October 1.

Robert L. Haught
Director, 2007 Will Rogers Writers' Workshop


Our next meeting will be September 16, 2007, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Grove Avenue Baptist Church (one block south of Patterson Ave. on Parham Rd.). NOTE: Enter the rear entrance on the Parham Road side of the building. Look for the elevator on your left, go to 2nd floor, turn right when getting off the elevator, go to Room 211, second door on your right. Note new room number.

Back-to-school, but not all 3 Rs: Readin’, Ritin’ and ‘Rithmetic

Since her studies with the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, June Keene, has maintained a deep respect for the affinity between the written and spoken word. In her workshops she asserts they are not disparate disciplines but as indivisible as two sides of a coin.

At the September meeting June will present “Simple Speech and Presentation Skills”. The special emphasis for writers will be : (1)tips for podium preparation; (2)utilizing punctuation for smooth, expressive phrasing; (3)how to measure the audience for effective voice projection.

Bring your pen and pad.

Critique Session

From 4:00 to 5:00 we will listen to readings and do critiquing.

Bring something brief to read that does not require feedback. If you have material to be critiqued, bring about 10 copies, typed, double spaced. We will listen to and critique as many as time permits.

2007 Meeting Schedule Highlights

Here are the remainder of the dates for 2007:

October 19th (Saturday): Nancy Stevens, All Day Computer Workshop
November 17th (Saturday): Get details at September 16th meeting
December: No meetings scheduled

Normal Monthly Meeting Format (unless otherwise stated)

2:00-2:15 Sign In and Fellowship
2:15 Opening Prayer
2:15-2:45 Introductions and Announcements
2:45-3:45 Speaker or Workshop
3:45-4:00 Refreshments and Fellowship
4:00-4:55 Speaker/Workshop or Critique Session (Announced
Monthly)(Bring 20 copies,typed, double spaced)
4:55-5:00 Closing Prayer


Dues, in the amount of $10.00 will cover membership from July 1st through December 31, 2007. They may be paid at our monthly meetings or mailed to: Richmond Christians Who Write, 12114 Walnut Hill Drive, Rockville, VA 23146.

I look forward to seeing you on September 16th. Bring a friend; they’ll appreciate it.