As Christians who write, we meet together to promote unity and fellowship, to encourage one another and to develop our skills as writers. We are a chapter of American Christian Writers, a national organization.

We meet at Grove Avenue Baptist Church, 1 block south of Patterson Avenue at 8701 Ridge Road, Richmond, VA 23229 in Room 211.

We typically meet on the third Sunday of each month from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Join us!

Click HERE for directions.


Monday, May 15, 2006

Michael Rew Published Again!

Dear Friends,

Good news! A friend and minister, Ken Bennett, who visits my home fellowship from time to time, has self-published a new book, In the Mist of the Garden. Six of my sonnets were included. Ken has an international ministry, and he gives away his books, so quite a few people around the world could read my poems!

My latest letter to the editor was published this past Sunday. My version was edited down slightly, but to good effect, so I have included their edited version below.

Your Brother In Christ,

Michael Rew

Editor, Times-Dispatch:

I write to protest a temporary suspension of gasoline taxes. I love tax cuts, but this cut at this time would end badly.

One proposal would cut taxes 18 cents per gallon. Such a steep drop in prices would goad drivers to drive more, which would increase demand - thereby raising gasoline prices. Then consumers and politicians would cry out ever the louder that oil companies are gouging.

Heightened consumer anger might lead to ill-advised remedies, such as the windfall profits tax, which would be passed on to consumers, or price controls, which would lead to shortages.

Any tax cut, too, would result in less revenue to build and maintain highways. Rest assured: Congress will spend money for highways come budget time. Deficit-spending would surpass levels in the past session. More debt will require more tax revenue in the future. Current debt levels and forecasts already could lead to tax hikes few of us can imagine.

Suspend environmental controls. Allow for domestic drilling and construction of new refineries. Eliminate the car tax so newer and more fuel-efficient vehicles will be purchased. But leave gasoline taxes alone.


Michael Rew

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